What is proofreading?

What is proofreading? When it comes to editing any piece of content that has been written, it is essential to check the content over for mistakes. To proofread something, then, is to look over the content before it is shared with others. The aim is simple – to read the content over with a fine…

work proofread

Proofread VS Editing

Proofread VS Editing When adjusting any piece of content, it is important to proofread the entire document from the first word until the last. This allows for the correction of minor errors, such as typos, whilst improving grammar, punctuation, and syntax. However, if you wish to go for a more comprehensive adjustment process, you will…


Why do we need proofreading?

Why do we need proofreading? When creating any piece of writing, it is essential to proofread the finished document. Whether you are writing an academic submission, a journalistic article, an essay for school, a fictional story, a memo, or even an e-mail to a friend, it is vital that you read the content very closely…